July: News from the Chairman of Alamance GOP
Exciting Updates!
Dear Alamance Republicans,
Exciting Updates:
- Our SUCCESSFUL Gun Raffle is underway and happy winners are being called daily. Thank you to all who sold and purchased tickets. A special thank you to Ben for managing this important fundraiser.
- Reminder: There is no meeting in July.
- We have an extra special speaker coming in for our August meeting so we have moved to a larger location so more people can hear the important message of Reverend C.L. Bryant. A special thank you to Lakeview Community Church for welcoming us to use their wonderful fellowship hall.
- The dinner/silent auction mentioned at our last meeting has been confirmed for Thursday, November 9. Please start thinking about possible auction items and remember that services make great auction items. More info to come!
Thank you for all you do for our local party. Working together, we are truly making a difference!
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